Soft, feminine
eyebrow tattoo for
mature ladies
Hello and welcome to Tinkerbelle.
I’ve been helping women feel more confident about their eyebrows since 2018.

Ladies 60+ love the benefits of subtle brow tattoo
In my practice, eyebrow tattoo for mature ladies (generally over the age of 60 years) is all about confidence and freedom from drawing brows on every day.
Eyebrows are crucial for facial expression and bring balance to our face.
Enhancing them subtly and thoughtfully can bring a woman confidence and a sense of feeling complete again!
This is what my clients say!
Jane Smith
"The first thing I used to do every morning was put my eyebrows on. Now I don't even think about them, I just know they are there and I love them."
"My new eyebrows make me want to dance🥳
I love them."
"Ladies you've got to get your brows done by Debbie, she has made a fantastic job I'm extremely happy with mine.
I've had so many awesome comments.
I had hardly any brows now I do, they have changed the way my face looks - who would have guessed tweaking shape and colour would make such a change.
Love my brows and highly recommend having TINKERBELLE do yours, you won't be disappointed."
"I recommend Debbie at Tinkerbelle without hesitation.
I absolutely love my brows.
They have transformed how I look and how I feel about my appearance."
"I love my brows. the colour and shape are perfect, very natural and i receive lots of positive comments about my brows.
They really enhance my eyes and make me feel good.
Wish I had done it sooner."
"I have been unhappy with my eyebrows for many years as I lost some of them during cancer treatment and they looked patchy and uneven.
Debbie has given me new brows with her tattoos|
- great shape and good colour.
I am so grateful to her and can highly recommend her services.
I keep looking at my eyebrows in the mirror.
Love them!"
Debbie at Tinkerbelle - A Hamilton Local!

Debbie Eaton
I specialise in providing eyebrow tattoo for ladies, generally over the age of 60 years.
I work alongside my clients to create subtle eyebrow tattoo that flatters their unique features. Using soft colours in the brown palette and gentle techniques that respect the skin, my aim is to complement the natural brows to give a soft, feminine and natural look.
I have five years of experience in eyebrow tattoo and am located in Hamilton near Five Cross Roads.
I work part-time from my home-based studio and am also a life coach and a student
- working towards a Counselling degree.
I offer free consultations so come on in and talk with me about whether eyebrow tattoo is right for you, you'll have an opportunity to ask questions, see photos of eyebrows I have done for other ladies a similar age to yourself and decide whether I'm the right person for you.
Let’s work together to give you eyebrows you’ll love!
I work from my home-based studio in Hamilton

To protect the privacy of my clients I choose to not publish before and after images on my website.
Before and after photos are available to be seen during a consultation.
Thank you

Frequently asked questions
Can eyebrow tattoo really make a difference?
Absolutely! As women age many notice that their brows become more sparse and less visible. The causes could be: menopause, medication, chemotherapy, over plucking in younger years or simply genetics.
For generations women have drawn in their brows which can become difficult with increasing age due to: eyesight changes, medical conditions such as arthritis and tremors and difficulty of the task given the loss of natural brow hair.
Eyebrow tattoo is the answer many women seek as it eliminates the need to draw the brows on and gives the women confidence that her brows look great all day long. No more frustration at trying to get them symmetrical only to have them disappear during the day.
Please let me assure you that cosmetic tattoo is very different to artistic tattoo in that we use pigments rather than ink which gives a softer more natural appearance - this type of tattoo is designed to fade over time. This is really important because it allows for the natural aging process of a woman - hair colour often lightens and skin tone can darken, being able to refresh the brow colour keeps them complimentary to the ever changing canvas they belong to.
There are no words to describe the delight a women feels when she looks in the mirror at the end of our sessions. To have brows again is to feel complete - eyes enhanced, facial expression restored and balance returned to the face.
Is eyebrow tattoo permanent?
Definately not! As cosmetic tattooist I use pigments which are designed to fade. A client should expect that their brows will need to be refreshed in colour at some point. I do find that mature women due to the changes in their skin hold the pigment longer with many going up to two years before needing a refresh of colour. The recommendation is annual touch ups, but that of course is at the client's discretion.
Why do you specialise in women over the age of 60?
I have chosen to specialise in the mature woman because as a women in her 50's I feel that I can relate well to the mature woman and addressing her needs.
As a beautician I understand the changes a women's skin goes through as she ages and treat the skin accordingly.
There are several providers of brow tattoo in Hamilton that focus on the younger women. I aim to serve the mature women in our community.
What happens in the consultation?
We always start with a consultation. Some ladies choose to come in for a consultation as part of their decision making process, while others have their consultation and then proceed with their brow tattoo in the same appointment.
It's important to me that I spend time with my clients before we start so that I can gain a good understanding of what they are wanting to achieve and what they do and don't like. I am interested in their hopes and fears around brow tattoo.
During the consultation I inform them about the process and any associated risks so that they have the opportunity to make an informed decision about their suitability for brow tattoo.
It is also important that I have the opportunity to enquire about their medical history as for some medical conditions such as cancer and some heart conditions I will require the lady to liaise with their GP or specialist first.
I do not charge for consultations.
What happens in the first session?
Once the consultation has been completed, either within the same appointment or previous to the first brow tattoo appointment the client completes a consent form.
We then move on to selecting the appropriate pigment colour, to flatter the complexion, eyes and hair colour. Often stock colours are blended to achieve the correct shade. We then move on to me using the bone structure and existing brow to craft a unique brow 'template', which is drawn on with eyebrow pencil.
We then stand in front of the mirror and adjust the 'template' I have drawn until the client feels happy with the shape, size, length and symmetry of the drawn brow. When the client feels comfortable with the shape and position of the brows we go ahead with the tattooing process.
I use a very small pen style handpiece to implant the selected pigment just under the skin following the template that we have drawn. Numbing gel is used to minimise any discomfort so that the experience is as pleasant as possible.
At the end the lady checks her new brows in the mirror - minor adjustments can be made if necessary and I give the client the aftercare instructions.
As an ex dental therapist and beautician I am a stickler for: high standards of hygiene, respect for the skin and it's healing process and open communication.
What is the perfecting session for?
The brow tattoo process is made up of two appointments a month to six weeks apart.
The second appointment is known as the perfecting session. At this appointment we can alter the width, length and colour of the tattooed brows. Sometimes a lady will go slightly darker in colour or longer in length. The natural healing process can leave the brows a little patchy, the perfecting session addresses this.
I feel like I have done a good job if I can sneak the brows in without too many people noticing, that way they are natural and complimentary which the majority of my clients appreciate.
How much does it cost?
I do not do brow tattoo for ladies under the age of 60 unless by prior agreement
I am pleased to offer a Super Gold Card discount to clients over the age of 65 years.
For ladies over the age of 65 years the cost is $575 paid at the first session with no additional cost for the perfecting session.
Ladies 60 - 65 years of age pay $650 at the first session with no additional cost at the perfecting session.
What are the risks of eyebrow tattoo?
I would say the biggest risk is infection - just as it is with any trauma to the skin. I do my best to minimise the risk of infection by ensuring dental standards of hygiene during the appointments and supply sterile gauze and a healing balm for use in aftercare following the appointment.
Another risk is allergic reaction, just as a person may have an allergic response to a cosmetic, food, plant or other allergen, allergic response to gloves, pigment, local anaesthetic gel and/or aftercare balm are all possibilities. I can use non-latex gloves and offer patch tests at the consultation stage for clients wanting to ensure they are not reactive to any of the products. All products used by me are FDA approved. Pigments and aftercare balm are American, anaesthetic gel is sourced from a compounding pharmacist in New Zealand.
The other risks I believe come down to communication - open and honest communication about what you do and don't like, honesty in how the brows appear during the drawing process and taking time to get the predrawing or template correct, hugely minimises the risk of not being satisfied with the outcome.
Let's chat
Debbie Eaton
Phone: 0272302310
144B Tramway Road
Five Cross Roads
Tuesday to Friday
10am and 2pm
Please Note:
No wheelchair access
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